(See Article 21)


(vedi art. 21)

ENGLISH - The present provisions shall apply to the administration of the Free Territory of Trieste pending the coming into force of the Permanent Statute.

ITALIANO - Le disposizioni del presente Strumento si applicheranno all’amministrazione del Territorio Libero di Trieste nell’attesa della messa in applicazione dello Statuto permanente.

SLOVENO - work in progress

 Article 1 - The Governor shall assume office in the Free Territory at the earliest possible moment after the coming into force of the present Treaty. Pending assumption of office by the Governor, the Free Territory shall continue to be administered by the Allied military commands within their respective zones.

ARTICOLO 1 - Il Governatore entrerà in funzione nel Territorio Libero il più presto possibile dopo l’entrata in vigore del presente Trattato di Pace. Fino all’entrata in funzione  del Governatore, il Territorio Libero continuerà ad essere amministrato dai comandi militari  alleati operanti ciascuno nella loro rispettiva zona.

Article 2 - On assuming office in the Free Territory of Trieste the Governor shall be empowered to select from among persons domiciled in the Free Territory and after consultation with the Governments of Yugoslavia and Italy a Provisional Council of Government. The Governor shall have the right to make changes in the composition of the Provisional Council of Government whenever he deems it necessary. The Governor and the Provisional Council of Government shall exercise their functions in the manner laid down in the provisions of the Permanent Statute as and when these provisions prove to be applicable and in so far as they are not superseded by the present Instrument. Likewise all other provisions of the Permanent Statute shall be applicable during the period of the Provisional Regime as and when these provisions prove to be applicable and in so far as they are not superseded by the present Instrument. The Governor's actions will be guided mainly by the needs of the population and its well being.

ARTICOLO 2 - Non appena sarà entrato in funzione nel Territorio Libero, il Governatore avrà il potere di costituire un Consiglio Provvisorio di Governo di sceglierà i membri, dopo consultazione con i Governi jugoslavo e italiano, fra le persone domiciliate nel Territorio Libero. Il Governatore avrà il diritto di modificare la composizione del Consiglio Provvisorio di Governo ogni volta che lo giudicherà necessario. Il Governatore ed il Consiglio Provvisorio di Governo eserciteranno le loro funzioni nel modo prescritto dalle disposizioni dello Statuto Permanente, man mano che tali disposizioni si riveleranno applicabili ed in quanto quelle del presente Strumento non vi si sostituiscano. Parimenti tutte le altre disposizioni dello Statuto Permanente saranno applicabili durante la durata del regime provvisorio a mano mano che dette disposizioni si riveleranno applicabili ed in quanto quelle del presente Strumento non vi si sostituiscano. Nei suoi atti il Governatore sarà guidato soprattutto dalla preoccupazione dei bisogni e del benessere della popolazione.

Article 3 - The seat of Government will be established in Trieste. The Governor will address his reports directly to the Chairman of the Security Council and will, through that channel, supply the Security Council with all necessary information on the administration of the Free Territory.

ARTICOLO 3 - La sede del Governo sarà stabilita a Trieste. Il Governatore indirizzerà i suoi rapporti direttamente al Presidente del Consiglio di Sicurezza e per suo tramite, fornirà al Consiglio tutte le informazioni necessarie sull’amministrazione del Territorio Libero.

Article 4 - The first concern of the Governor shall be to ensure the maintenance of public order and security. He shall appoint on a provisional basis a Director of Public Security, who will reorganize and administer the police force and security services.

ARTICOLO 4 - Il primo dovere del Governatore sarà quello di vegliare al mantenimento dell’ordine pubblico e della sicurezza. Esso nominerà a titolo provvisorio, un Direttore della Sicurezza che organizzerà le forze di polizia ed i servizi di Sicurezza.

Article 5 -  (a) From the coming into force of the present Treaty, troops stationed in the Free Territory shall not exceed 5,000 men for the United Kingdom, 5,000 men for the United States of America and 5,000 men for Yugoslavia.

(b) These troops shall be placed at the disposal of the Governor for a period of 90 days after his assumption of office in the Free Territory. As from the end of that period, they will cease to be at the disposal of the Governor and will be withdrawn from the Territory within a further period of 45 days, unless the Governor advises the Security Council that, in the interests of the Territory, some or all of them should not, in his view, be withdrawn. In the latter event, the troops required by the Governor shall remain until not later than 45 days after the Governor has advised the Security Council that the security services can maintain internal order in the Territory without the assistance of foreign troops.

(c) The withdrawal prescribed in paragraph (b) shall be carried out so as to maintain, in so far as possible, the ratio prescribed in paragraph (a) between the troops of the three Powers concerned.

ARTICOLO 5 - a)   A partire dall’entrata in vigore del presente Trattato l’effettivo delle truppe stanziate nel Territorio Libero non sorpasserà 5000 uomini per il Regno Unito, 5000 uomini per gli Stati Uniti d’America e 5000 uomini per la Jugoslavia.

b)   Queste truppe saranno poste a disposizione del Governatore durante un periodo di 90 giorni a partire dall’entrata in funzione del Governatore nel Territorio Libero. Dal termine di detto periodo queste truppe cesseranno di essere a disposizione del Governatore e verranno ritirate dal Territorio in un termine complementare di 45 giorni a meno che il Governatore non avvisi il Consiglio di Sicurezza che egli stima necessario, nell’interesse del Territorio, di mantenere queste truppe in tutto o in parte. In questa ultima ipotesi le truppe richieste dal Governatore saranno mantenute durante 45 giorni al massimo dopo che il Governatore avrà  avvertito il Consiglio di Sicurezza che l’ordirne

      interno del Territorio può essere assicurato a mezzo di servizi di sicurezza senza l’aiuto di truppe straniere.


c)   Le operazioni di sgombero previste al paragrafo b) dovranno effettuarsi in modo da conservare per quanto possibile la proporzione prevista al paragrafo a) tra le truppe delle tre Potenze interessate.

Article 6 - The Governor shall have the right at any time to call upon the Commanders of such contingents for support and such support shall be given promptly. The Governor shall, whenever possible, consult with the Commanders concerned before issuing his instructions but shall not interfere with the military handling of the forces in the discharge of his instructions. Each Commander has the right to report to his Government the instructions which he has received from the Governor, informing the Governor of the contents of such reports. The Government concerned shall have the right to refuse the participation of its forces in the operation in question, informing the Security Council accordingly.

Article 7 - The necessary arrangements relating to the stationing, administration and supply of the military contingents made available by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Yugoslavia shall be settled by agreement between the Governor and the Commanders of those contingents.

Article 8 - The Governor, in consultation with the Provisional Council of Government, shall be responsible for organizing the elections of Members of the Constituent Assembly in accordance with the conditions provided for in the Statute for elections to the popular Assembly.

The elections shall be held not later than four months after the Governor's assumption of office. In case this is technically impossible the Governor shall report to the Security Council.

Article 9 - The Governor will, in consultation with the Provisional Council of Government, prepare the provisional budget and the provisional export and import programmes and will satisfy himself that appropriate arrangements are made by the Provisional Council of Government for the administration of the finances of the Free Territory.

Article 10 - Existing laws and regulations shall remain valid unless and until revoked or suspended by the Governor. The Governor shall have the right to amend existing laws and regulations and to introduce new laws and regulations in agreement with the majority of the Provisional Council of Government. Such amended and new laws and regulations, as well as the acts of the Governor in regard to the revocation or suspension of laws and regulations, shall be valid unless and until they are amended, revoked or superseded by acts of the popular Assembly or the Council of Government within their respective spheres after the entry into force of the Constitution.

Article 11 - Pending the establishment of a separate currency regime for the Free Territory the Italian lira shall continue to be the legal tender within the Free Territory. The Italian Government shall supply the foreign exchange and currency needs of the Free Territory under conditions no less favourable than those applying in Italy.

Italy and the Free Territory shall enter into an agreement to give effect to the above provisions as well as to provide for any settlement between the two Governments which may be required.


Article 1

1. In order to ensure that the port and transit facilities of Trieste will be available for use on equal terms by all international trade and by Yugoslavia, Italy and the States of Central Europe, in such manner as is customary in other free ports of the world:

(a) There shall be a customs free port in the Free Territory of Trieste within the limits provided for by or established in accordance with Article 3 of the present Instrument.

(b) Goods passing through the Free Port of Trieste shall enjoy freedom of transit as stipulated in Article 16 of the present Instrument.

2. The international regime of the Free Port shall be governed by the provisions of the present Instrument.

Article 2

1. The Free Port shall be established and administered as a State corporation of the Free Territory, having all the attributes of a juridical person and functioning in accordance with the provisions of this Instrument.

2. All Italian state and para-statal property within the limits of the Free Port which, according to the provisions of the present Treaty, shall pass to the Free Territory shall be transferred, without payment, to the Free Port.

Article 3

1. The area of the Free Port shall include the territory and installations of the free zones of the port of Trieste within the limits of the 1939 boundaries.

2. The establishment of special zones in the Free Port under the exclusive jurisdiction of any State is incompatible with the status of the Free Territory and of the Free Port.

3. In order, however, to meet the special needs of Yugoslav and Italian shipping in the Adriatic, the Director of the Free Port, on the request of the Yugoslav or Italian Government and with the concurring advice of the International Commission provided for in Article 21 below, may reserve to merchant vessels flying the flags of either of these two States the exclusive use of berthing spaces within certain parts of the area of the Free Port.

4. In case it shall be necessary to increase the area of the Free Port such increase may be made upon the proposal of the Director of the Free Port by decision of the Council of Government with the approval of the popular Assembly.

Article 4

Unless otherwise provided for by the present Instrument the laws and regulations in force in the Free Territory shall be applicable to persons and property within the boundaries of the Free Port and the authorities responsible for their application in the Free Territory shall exercise their functions within the limits of the Free Port.

Article 5

1. Merchant vessels and goods of all countries shall be allowed unrestricted access to the Free Port for loading and discharge both for goods in transit and goods destined for or proceeding from the Free Territory.

2. In connection with importation into or exportation from or transit through the Free Port, the authorities of the Free Territory shall not levy on such goods customs duties or charges other than those levied for services rendered.

3. However, in respect of goods, imported through the Free Port for consumption within the Free Territory or exported from this Territory through the Free Port, appropriate legislation and regulations in force in the Free Territory shall be applied.

Article 6

Warehousing, storing, examining, sorting, packing and repacking and similar activities which have customarily been carried on in the free zones of the port of Trieste shall be permitted in the Free Port under the general regulations established by the Director of the Free Port.

Article 7

1. The Director of the Free Port may also permit the processing of goods in the Free Port.

2. Manufacturing activities in the Free Port shall be permitted to those enterprises which existed in the free zones of the port of Trieste before the coming into force of the present Instrument. Upon the proposal of the Director of the Free Port, the Council of Government may permit the establishment of new manufacturing enterprises within the limits of the Free Port.

Article 8

Inspection by the authorities of the Free Territory shall be permitted within the Free Port to the extent necessary to enforce the customs or other regulations of the Free Territory for the prevention of smuggling.

Article 9

1. The authorities of the Free Territory will be entitled to fix and levy harbour dues in the Free Port.

2. The Director of the Free Port shall fix all charges for the use of the facilities and services of the Free Port. Such charges shall be reasonable and be related to the cost of operation, administration, maintenance and development of the Free Port.

Article 10

In the fixing and levying in the Free Port of harbour dues and other charges under Article 9 above, as well as in the provision of the services and facilities of the Free Port, there shall be no discrimination in respect of the nationality of the vessels, the ownership of the goods or on any other grounds.

Article 11

The passage of all persons into and out of the Free Port area shall be subject to such regulations as the authorities of the Free Territory shall establish. These regulations, however, shall be established in such a manner as not unduly to impede the passage into and out of the Free Port of nationals of any State who are engaged in any legitimate pursuit in the Free Port area.

Article 12

The rules and bye-laws operative in the Free Port and likewise the schedules of charges levied in the Free Port must be made public.

Article 13

Coastwise shipping and coastwise trade within the Free Territory shall be carried on in accordance with regulations issued by the authorities of the Free Territory, the provisions of the present Instrument not being deemed to impose upon such authorities any restrictions in this respect.

Article 14

Within the boundaries of the Free Port, measures for the protection of health and measures for combating animal and plant diseases in respect of vessels and cargoes shall be applied by the authorities of the Free Territory.

Article 15

It shall be the duty of the authorities of the Free Territory to provide the Free Port with water supplies, gas, electric light and power, communications, drainage facilities and other public services and also to ensure police and fire protection.

Article 16

1. Freedom of transit shall, in accordance with customary international agreements, be assured by the Free Territory and the States whose territories are traversed to goods transported by railroad between the Free Port and the States which it serves, without any discrimination and without customs duties or charges other than those levied for services rendered.

2. The Free Territory and the States assuming the obligations of the present Instrument through whose territory such traffic passes in transit in either direction shall do all in their power to provide the best possible facilities in all respects for the speedy and efficient movement of such traffic at a reasonable cost, and shall not apply with respect to the movement of goods to and from the Free Port any discriminatory measures with respect to rates, services, customs, sanitary, police or any other regulations.

3. The States assuming the obligations of the present Instrument shall take no measures regarding regulations or rates which would artificially divert traffic from the Free Port for the benefit of other seaports. Measures taken by the Government of Yugoslavia to provide for traffic to ports in southern Yugoslavia shall not be considered as measures designed to divert traffic artificially.

Article 17

The Free Territory and the States assuming the obligations of the present Instrument shall, within their respective territories and on non-discriminatory terms, grant in accordance with customary international agreements freedom of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications between the Free Port area and any country for such communications as originate in or are destined for the Free Port area.

Article 18

1. The administration of the Free Port shall be carried on by the Director of the Free Port who will represent it as a juridical person. The Council of Government shall submit to the Governor a list of qualified candidates for the post of Director of the Free Port. The Governor shall appoint the Director from among the candidates presented to him after consultation with the Council of Government. In case of disagreement the matter shall be referred to the Security Council. The Governor may also dismiss the Director upon the recommendation of the International Commission or the Council of Government.

2. The Director shall not be a citizen of Yugoslavia or Italy.

3. All other employees of the Free Port will be appointed by the Director. In all appointments of employees preference shall be given to citizens of the Free Territory.

Article 19

Subject to the provisions of the present Instrument, the Director of the Free Port shall take all reasonable and necessary measures for the administration, operation, maintenance and development of the Free Port as an efficient port adequate for the prompt handling of all the traffic of that port. In particular, the Director shall be responsible for the execution of all kinds of port works in the Free Port, shall direct the operation of port installations and other port equipment, shall establish, in accordance with legislation of the Free Territory, conditions of labour in the Free Port, and shall also supervise the execution in the Free Port of orders and regulations of the authorities of the Free Territory in respect to navigation.

Article 20

1. The Director of the Free Port shall issue such rules and bye-laws as he considers necessary in the exercise of his functions as prescribed in the preceding Article.

2. The autonomous budget of the Free Port will be prepared by the Director, and will be approved and applied in accordance with legislation to be established by the popular Assembly of the Free Territory.

3. The Director of the Free Port shall submit an annual report on the operations of the Free Port to the Governor and the Council of Government of the Free Territory. A copy of the report shall be transmitted to the International Commission.

Article 21

1. There shall be established an International Commission of the Free Port, hereinafter called "the International Commission", consisting of one representative from the Free Territory and from each of the following States: France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States of America, the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary, provided that such State has assumed the obligations of the present Instrument.

2. The representative of the Free Territory shall be the permanent Chairman of the International Commission. In the event of a tie in voting, the vote cast by the Chairman shall be decisive.

Article 22

The International Commission shall have its seat in the Free Port. Its offices and activities shall be exempt from local jurisdiction. The members and officials of the International Commission shall enjoy in the Free Territory such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions. The International Commission shall decide upon its own secretariat, procedure and budget. The common expenses of the International Commission shall be shared by member States in an equitable manner as agreed by them through the International Commission.

Article 23

The International Commission shall have the right to investigate and consider all matters relating to the operation, use, and administration of the Free Port or to the technical aspects of transit between the Free Port and the States which it serves, including unification of handling procedures. The International Commission shall act either on its own initiative or when such matters have been brought to its attention by any State or by the Free Territory or by the Director of the Free Port. The International Commission shall communicate its views or recommendations on such matters to the State or States concerned, or to the Free Territory, or to the Director of the Free Port. Such recommendations shall be considered and the necessary measures shall be taken. Should the Free Territory or the State or States concerned deem, however, that such measures would be inconsistent with the provisions of the present Instrument, the matter may at the request of the Free Territory or any interested State be dealt with as provided in Article 24 below.

Article 24

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the present Instrument, not resolved by direct negotiations, shall, unless the parties mutually agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one representative of each party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make the appointment. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission shall be the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted by the parties as definitive and binding.

Article 25

Proposals for amendments to the present Instrument may be submitted to the Security Council by the Council of Government of the Free Territory or by three or more States represented on the International Commission. An amendment approved by the Security Council shall enter into force on the date determined by the Security Council.

Article 26

For the purposes of the present Instrument a State shall be considered as having assumed the obligations of this Instrument if it is a party to the Treaty of Peace with Italy or has notified the Government of the French Republic of its assumption of such obligations.


(See Article 21)

A. Water supply to northwestern Istria

Yugoslavia shall continue to supply water to the region of northwestern Istria within the Free Territory of Trieste from the spring of San Giovanni de Pinguente through the Quieto water supply system and from the spring of Santa Maria del Risano through the Risano system. The water so supplied shall be in such amounts, not substantially exceeding those amounts which have been customarily supplied to the region, and at such rates of flow, as the Free Territory may request, but within limits imposed by natural conditions. Yugoslavia shall maintain the water conduits, reservoirs, pumps, purifying systems and such other works within Yugoslav territory as may be required to fulfil this obligation. Temporary allowance must be made in respect of the foregoing obligations on Yugoslavia for necessary repair of war damage to water supply installations. The Free Territory shall pay a reasonable price for the water thus supplied, which price should represent a proportionate share, based on the quantity of water consumed within the Free Territory, of the total cost of operation and maintenance of the Quieto and the Risano water supply systems. Should, in the future, additional supplies of water be required by the Free Territory, Yugoslavia undertakes to examine the matter jointly with the authorities of the Free Territory and by agreement to take such measures as are reasonable to meet these requirements.

B. Electricity supplies

1. Yugoslavia and Italy shall maintain the existing supply of electricity to the Free Territory of Trieste, furnishing to the Free Territory such quantities of electricity at such rates of output as the latter may require. The quantities furnished need not at first substantially exceed those which have been customarily supplied to the area comprised in the Free Territory, but Italy and Yugoslavia shall, on request of the Free Territory, furnish increasing amounts as the requirements of the Free Territory grow, provided that any increase of more than 20 percent over the amount normally furnished to the Free Territory from the respective sources shall be the subject of an agreement between the interested Governments.

2. The price to be charged by Yugoslavia or by Italy and to be paid by the Free Territory for the electricity furnished to it shall be no higher than the price charged in Yugoslavia or in Italy for the supply of similar quantities of hydro-electricity from the same sources in Yugoslav or Italian territory.

3. Yugoslavia, Italy and the Free Territory shall exchange information continuously concerning the flow and storage of water and the output of electricity in respect of stations supplying the former Italian compartimento of Venezia Giulia, so that each of the three parties will be in a position to determine its requirements.

4. Yugoslavia, Italy and the Free Territory shall maintain in good and substantial condition all of the electrical plants, transmission lines, substations and other installations which are required for the continued supply of electricity to the former Italian compartimento of Venezia Giulia.

5. Yugoslavia shall ensure that the existing and any future power installations on the Isonzo (Soca) are operated so as to provide that such supplies of water as Italy may from time to time request may be diverted from the Isonzo (Soca) for irrigation in the region from Gorizia southwestward to the Adriatic. Italy may not claim the right to the use of water from the Isonzo (Soca) in greater volume or under more favourable conditions than has been customary in the past.

6. Yugoslavia, Italy and the Free Territory shall, through joint negotiations, adopt a mutually agreeable convention in conformity with the foregoing provisions for the continuing operation of the electricity system which serves the former Italian compartimento of Venezia Giulia. A mixed commission with equal representation of the three Governments shall be established for supervising the execution of the obligations arising under paragraphs 1 to 5 above.

7. Upon the expiration of a ten-year period from the coming into force of the present Treaty, Yugoslavia, Italy and the Free Territory shall re-examine the foregoing provisions in the light of conditions at that time in order to determine which, if any, of the foregoing obligations are no longer required, and shall make such alterations, deletions and additions as may be agreed upon by the parties concerned. Any disputes which may arise as a result of this re-examination shall be submitted for settlement under the procedure outlined in Article 87 of the present Treaty.

C. Facilities for local frontier trade

Yugoslavia and the Free Territory of Trieste, and Italy and the Free Territory of Trieste, shall, within one month of the coming into force of the present Treaty, undertake negotiations to provide arrangements which shall facilitate the movement across the frontiers between the Free Territory and the adjacent areas of Yugoslavia and Italy of foodstuffs and other categories of commodities which have customarily moved between those areas in local trade, provided these commodities are grown, produced or manufactured in the respective territories. This movement may be facilitated by appropriate measures, including the exemption of such commodities, up to agreed quantities or values, from tariffs, customs charges, and export or import taxes of any kind when such commodities are moving in local trade.


1. The Free Territory of Trieste shall receive, without payment, Italian State and para-statal property within the Free Territory.

The following are considered as State or para-statal property for the purposes of this Annex: movable and immovable property of the Italian State, of local authorities and of public institutions and publicly owned companies and associations, as well as movable and immovable property formerly belonging to the Fascist Party or its auxiliary organizations.

2. All transfers effected after 3 September 1943 of Italian State and para-statal property as defined in paragraph 1 above shall be deemed null and void. This provision shall not, however, extend to lawful acts relating to current operations of State and para-statal agencies in so far as they concern the sale, within normal limits, of goods ordinarily produced by them or sold in the execution of normal commercial arrangements or in the normal course of governmental administrative activities.

3. Submarine cables owned by the Italian State or by Italian para-statal organisations shall fall within the provisions of paragraph 1 so far as concerns terminal facilities and the lengths of cables lying within territorial waters of the Free Territory.

4. Italy shall hand over to the Free Territory all relevant archives and documents of an administrative character or historical value concerning the Free Territory or relating to property transferred under paragraph 1 of this Annex. The Free Territory shall hand over to Yugoslavia all documents of the same character relating to territory ceded to Yugoslavia under the present Treaty, and to Italy all documents of the same character which may be in the Free Territory and which relate to Italian territory.

Yugoslavia declares herself ready to hand over to the Free Territory all archives and documents of an administrative character concerning and required exclusively for the administration of the Free Territory, which are of a kind which were usually held before 3 September 1943 by the local authorities having jurisdiction over what now forms part of the Free Territory.

5. The Free Territory shall be exempt from the payment of the Italian public debt, but shall assume the obligations of the Italian State towards holders who continue to reside in the Free Territory, or who, being juridical persons, retain their siège social or principal place of business there, in so far as these obligations correspond to that portion of this debt which has been issued prior to 10 June 1940 and is attributable to public works and civil administrative services of benefit to the said Territory but not attributable directly or indirectly to military purposes.

Full proof of the source of such holdings may be required from the holders.

Italy and the Free Territory shall conclude arrangements to determine the portion of the Italian public debt referred to in this paragraph and the methods for giving effect to these provisions.

6. The future status of external obligations secured by charges upon the property or revenues of the Free Territory shall be governed by further agreements between the parties concerned.

7. Special arrangements shall be concluded between Italy and the Free Territory to govern the conditions under which the obligations of Italian public or private social insurance organizations towards the inhabitants of the Free Territory, and a proportionate part of the reserves accumulated by the said organizations, shall be transferred to similar organizations in the Free Territory.

Similar arrangements shall also be concluded between the Free Territory and Italy, and between the Free Territory and Yugoslavia, to govern the obligations of public and private social insurance organizations whose siège social is in the Free Territory, with regard to policy holders or subscribers residing respectively in Italy or in territory ceded to Yugoslavia under the present Treaty.

Similar arrangements shall also be concluded between the Free Territory and Yugoslavia to govern the obligations of public and private social insurance organizations whose siège social is in territory ceded to Yugoslavia under the present Treaty, with regard to policy holders or subscribers residing in the Free Territory.

8. Italy shall continue to be liable for the payment of civil or military pensions earned, as of the coming into force of the present Treaty, for service under the Italian State, municipal or other local government authorities, by persons who under the Treaty acquire the nationality of the Free Territory, including pension rights not yet matured. Arrangements shall be concluded between Italy and the Free Territory providing for the method by which this liability shall be discharged.

9. The property, rights and interests of Italian nationals who became domiciled in the Free Territory after 10 June 1940 and of persons who opt for Italian citizenship pursuant to the Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste shall, provided they have been lawfully acquired, be respected in the same measure as the property, rights and interests of nationals of the Free Territory generally, for a period of three years from the coming into force of the Treaty.

The property, rights and interests within the Free Territory of other Italian nationals and also of Italian juridical persons, provided they have been lawfully acquired, shall be subject only to such legislation as may be enacted from time to time regarding the property of foreign nationals and juridical persons generally.

10. Persons who opt for Italian nationality and move to Italy shall be permitted, after the settlement of any debts or taxes due from them in the Free Territory, to take with them their movable property and transfer their funds, provided such property and funds were lawfully acquired. No export or import duties shall be imposed in connection with the moving of such property. Further, they shall be permitted to sell their movable and immovable property under the same conditions as nationals of the Free Territory.

The removal of property to Italy will be effected under conditions which will not be in contradiction to the Constitution of the Free Territory and in a manner which will be agreed upon between Italy and the Free Territory. The conditions and the time periods of the transfer of the funds, including the proceeds of sales, shall be determined in the same manner.

11. The property, rights and interests of former Italian nationals, resident in the Free Territory, who become nationals of the Free Territory under the present Treaty, existing in Italy at the coming into force of the Treaty, shall be respected by Italy in the same measure as the property, rights and interests of Italian nationals generally, for a period of three years from the coming into force of the Treaty.

Such persons are authorized to effect the transfer and the liquidation of their property, rights and interests under the same conditions as are provided for under paragraph 10 above.

12. Companies incorporated under Italian law and having siège social in the Free Territory, which wish to remove siège social to Italy or Yugoslavia, shall likewise be dealt with under the provisions of paragraph 10 above, provided that more than fifty percent of the capital of the company is owned by persons usually resident outside the Free Territory, or by persons who move to Italy or Yugoslavia.

13. Debts owed by persons in Italy, or in territory ceded to Yugoslavia, to persons in the Free Territory, or by persons in the Free Territory to persons in Italy or in territory ceded to Yugoslavia, shall not be affected by the cession. Italy, Yugoslavia and the Free Territory undertake to facilitate the settlement of such obligations. As used in this paragraph, the term "persons" includes juridical persons.

14. The property in the Free Territory of any of the United Nations and its nationals, if not already freed from Italian measures of sequestration or control and returned to its owner, shall be returned in the condition in which it now exists.

15. Italy shall return property unlawfully removed after 3 September 1943 from the Free Territory to Italy. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 75 shall govern the application of this obligation except as regards property provided for elsewhere in this Annex.

The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Article 75 shall apply to the restitution by the Free Territory of property removed from the territory of any of the United Nations during the war.

16. Italy shall return to the Free Territory in the shortest possible time any ships in Italian possession which were owned on 3 September 1943 by natural persons resident in the Free Territory who acquire the nationality of the Free Territory under the present Treaty, or by Italian juridical persons having and retaining siège social in the Free Territory, except any ships which have been the subject of a bona fide sale.

17. Italy and the Free Territory, and Yugoslavia and the Free Territory, shall conclude agreements providing for a just and equitable apportionment of the property of any existing local authority whose area is divided by any frontier settlement under the present Treaty, and for a continuance to the inhabitants of necessary communal services not specifically covered in other parts of the Treaty.

Similar agreements shall be concluded for a just and equitable allocation of rolling stock and railway equipment and of dock and harbour craft and equipment, as well as for any other outstanding economic matters not covered by this Annex.

18. Citizens of the Free Territory shall, notwithstanding the transfer of sovereignty and any change of nationality consequent thereon, continue to enjoy in Italy all the rights in industrial, literary and artistic property to which they were entitled under the legislation in force in Italy at the time of the transfer.

The Free Territory shall recognize and give effect to rights of industrial, literary and artistic property existing in the Free Territory under Italian laws in force at the time of transfer, or to be re-established or restored in accordance with Annex XV, part A of the present Treaty. These rights shall remain in force in the Free Territory for the same period as that for which they would have remained in force under the laws of Italy.

19. Any dispute which may arise in giving effect to this Annex shall be dealt with in the same manner as provided in Article 83 of the present Treaty.

20. Paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Article 76; Article 77; paragraph 3 of Article 78; Article 81; Annex XV, part A; Annex XVI and Annex XVII, part B, shall apply to the Free Territory in like manner as to Italy.